Sanitation RFP


Sanitation Services


The City of Cammack Village is seeking services of a qualified vendor for the sanitation needs for the citizens and public areas within Cammack Village. 

The purpose of this request for proposal is to state the terms and conditions to provide sanitation services for the 406 households within Cammack Village as well as the waste needs of City Hall and Baker Park.

Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

Services to be Performed.  COMPANY agrees to perform the sanitation services as set forth on Schedule A attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes.

Term of Contract.  The term of this contract shall be for a one-year contract commencing on January 1, 2026 and ending on December 31, 2026 with the option to extend the contract.  If there is a lapse of time between renewal, COMPANY will continue to provide sanitation services on a month-to-month basis until such contract is either renewed or terminated.

Materials and Supplies.  COMPANY will furnish all materials and labor necessary to perform the foregoing sanitation services.

Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual promises herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows:

This bid shall be awarded, on an all or none basis, to the most qualified bidder who meets all specified requirements, and who has the absolute capability to provide the required services. 

Responses to this bid solicitation will be used to determine if the vendor has the appropriate experience, licensures, and qualifications to be considered for the project.

The vendor shall provide Comprehensive General Liability Insurance written on an occurrence basis including, but not limited to coverage for bodily injury and property damage, personal & advertising injury, public liability, products& completed operations, and contractual liability.

The vendor shall provide Worker’s Compensation Insurance in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas. All premiums and cost of said insurance shall be paid by the vendor.










Trash Collection: Trash waste will be collected two times per week throughout the contract period.  Holidays will be moved to the next day as needed with notice from the COMPANY.  COMPANY will provide one rolling trash container per household.


Recycling Collection: Recycling will be collected on a bi-weekly or weekly basis. COMPANY will provide one recycling rolling container to each household.


Yard Waste Collection: Yard waste will be collected one time per week throughout the contract period.  The COMPANY will supply a bin or whatever means is required for citizens to use to place leaves, trimmings, bags of lawn waste on the curb for collection.  During the season when leaves are falling, the COMPANY will provide additional pick up for leaves as needed as set forth in the contract.


Bulk Pick-Up: COMPANY will provide a monthly bulk-pick up for larger household items that cannot be placed in the waste container.  Examples of such items include furniture, mattresses, and appliances.  



            City of Cammack Village

            City Clerk

2710 North McKinley

Cammack Village, AR 72207




Bids and supporting documents MUST BE RECEIVED by 5:00 pm on April 30, 2025.